My dog Lucy and I have been best friends for 14 years. She has been my one constant through some difficult times. We have had an amazing relationship and I am so thankful for all the good times we shared. We have enjoyed countless visits to the beach and romps in the snow - she has been
canoeing and she even
skim boarded for about 10 seconds. She was an artist at heart - drawing massive designs in the sand while dragging her favorite toy, a
Frisbee, through tangles, turns and weaves in the sand. She has touched many hearts and won over many a meat filled hand. She traveled to San Felipe, Mexico twice.
Lucy has been a great dog - I can take her anywhere and she will hang by my side - no leash required. She has been so easy - we just click and work well together.
My girl is declining. She is blind now and mostly deaf. I carry her outside every few hours to do her thing and then I take her to her food bowl and water and then, wrapped securely in my arms, we walk to her bed where she settles in for another long nap. Lucy has cancer and is suffering from
Cushings disease. She is exhibiting signs of pain around her eye which is where the cancer is so I am giving her pain
meds twice a day.
My first reaction to all of this aging was fear and denial. Now I am trying to embrace her and love her and comfort her through the changes. She, as she has since day one, is being a trooper. She constantly walks into things but she perseveres and keeps going.
My girl is one of a kind and I will love her through this difficult time. I don't know if I can ever repay her the amount of love and support she has provided me the last 14 years but I sure as hell am trying.
Here's to my girl. Lucy Ball Falconer.