My father passed away this weekend. None of us expected this.
I had an amazing dream Friday night... In the dream my dad and I were having a casual conversation but a really nice one. It was adult to adult, calm, enjoyable, enlightening. We were both just comfortable, sharing. This was a milestone. When I awoke I decided I would write to my dad and tell him about this dream. I thought he would appreciate it. Why didn't I just phone him to tell him? Because his hearing was shot and he couldn't hear me. We communicated in letters.
I received a phone call Sunday morning from my brother telling me my father had died. It appears from all indications he died Friday night.
Was it a dream or was it a real conversation? I believe it was real - I believe he and I openly communicated, finally, as he was moving to the next level. Thank you dad for all your love and effort. You are a good man.

This photo was taken circa 1990 when my dad visited me in Santa Cruz. He liked this area a lot. And I like this photo, a lot.