Danny Gregory, author/compiler of a new book titled
An Illustrated Life says in his introduction, "A sketchbook is a great, nonthreatening place to begin to draw." I couldn't agree more. One of the fabulous things about having a sketchbook is the place it provides for you to be you, without any judgment, whatsoever, from anybody else. You can do whatever you want, however you want. This is your own, private space to just be. Try it. Sure we are our own worst critic so part of the trick is getting that nasty voice out of our own heads and returning to our book and pens/pencils/collage materials to try again. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first. I remember saying over and over and over. I suck. My art is stupid. I can't draw. But I kept at it and to my surprise I started to like my little creations. I am not one to come up with a concept then illustrate it. Rather, I just sit with my sketchbook, put pen or pencil to paper and just let things flow as they will. This is called process art by some. You don't have to go to school to learn how to do it. There are no rules - thank goodness. There are no critics waiting to tell you how you could have done it better. This is between you and your new friend, the sketchbook. I encourage everyone to try it. You don't even have to have a big block of time to get into it. You can do a quickie two minute little thing. I think the important part is doing it with some sort of consistency. I will sometimes take weeks off but I always get back to it. I have been doing my sketches for about ten years now. I love looking back in the books and seeing the patterns, the moods, the silly drawings and the straight up emotions that come through the ink and land so appropriately on the page.
Treat yourself to a trip to your local art store, buy a notebook/sketchbook you love and some pens or pencils and give it a try. Find your own time and space to explore your marks and lines and shapes.
This writing was inspired by this drawing. I drew it two days ago. I thought, I cannot post that! It is so ugly. But while drawing it and when I looked at it today, I giggled. I love it. I can just hear the horrified critics - but it doesn't matter. This drawing gives me joy! That is all that matters.
I hope you will give it a try.
(the link above goes to Amazon. As much as I like the prices at Amazon, and the
convenience, I encourage you to shop locally and pick this and other books up at your favorite local bookshop)
1 comment:
Hi Parka, It is a good one. You can look forward to lots of inspiration.
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